For more information about energy efficiency and sustainability,
please contact Mr. Alexis Waravka,
Public Affairs Manager at HOTREC.
Tel: + 32 (0)2 513 63 23
HOTREC would like to thank its 44 member associations across Europe for their active contribution to this
brochure, which shows that the European hospitality industry is committed to do its best to adopt sustainable
policies, improve energy efficiency and reduce its environmental footprint.
HOTREC also thanks the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) for its continued commitment to sustainable
tourism development and for all its activities meant to help the tourism and hospitality sector to engage on
the path of energy efficiency. Many aspects of this brochure would not have been made possible without the
numerous materials developed by the UNWTO over the year on this field.
Hospitality businesses, as well as any other interested party, wishing to learn more about how to further reduce
energy consumption and improve energy efficiency in the hospitality sector are strongly encouraged to consult
the materials listed in the indicative bibliography below or to consult their national HOTREC member.
Indicative bibliography:
Energiemanagement in der Hotellerie und Gastronomie, WKO
EMAS Sectoral reference document on best environmental management practice in the tourism sector,
European Commission, 2016
Nearly Zero Energy Hotels in Europe - Flagship projects and tools for hoteliers - Final Report,
neZEH Practical guide for pilot hotel owners, 8 March 2016
Energy Efficiency tips for hotel staff – supporting SME hotels to achieve Nearly Zero Energy status,
March 2016
Hotel Energy Solutions (2011), Key Energy Efficiency Solutions for SME Hotels,
Hotel Energy Solutions project publications
ITP – Hotel Global Decarbonisation report – November 2017
Key websites:
http://www.yesillenenoteller.com/?lang=enMaking tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry