To reduce their potable water consumption, WC in hotel rooms and communal areas are supplied with
filtered rainwater, they are also equipped with dual-flush toilets and mixing faucets. The hotel uses
recycled and recyclable materials such as PEFC-certified timber for their floor and furniture, tempered
glass shower enclosures with recyclable aluminum joinery and recycled fishing net for their carpet. Their
employees are also made aware of good practices related to water and energy consumption.
Their clients are also motivated to be part of their environmental policies. The price of their stay can be
reduced before their arrival if they choose not to use air conditioning, not to change their bed linen and
towels daily and not to have their room cleaned every day. During their stay, they can monitor their energy
and water consumption with a digital tablet.
Germany: Gutshof Ziegelhütte (Edenkoben)
https://www.gutshof-ziegelhuette.deThe Gutshof Ziegelhütte restaurant uses a combination of heat and
power plant with photovoltaic - two techniques of energy generation that
complement each other perfectly. While the combined heat and power
plant runs from about October to March, the photovoltaic system only
produces a couple of kilowatt hours of electricity at this time of the year.
In the period from April to September, the photovoltaic system covers
the needs of electricity. Since no heating is needed in the summer, the
combined heat and power plant can only run about 3-4 hours per day, in
order to fully charge all the buffer tanks. This covers the need of hot water
in the restaurant and hotel. Electricity surplus is buffered in the in-house
electricity storage (capacity: 10kW).
Germany: Restaurant “Lippeschlößchen” (Wesel)
www.lippeschloesschen.deThe Lippeschlößchen restaurant has
installed three combined heat and power
plants and a thermal water treatment; LEDs
were installed in the whole restaurant area
and motion sensors in the outside area
to reduce energy consumption. These
equipment haveallowed to raisesignificantly
the restaurant’s energy efficiency
Making tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry