Spain: Hotel Catalonia Granada (Granada)
www.cataloniahotels.com/esFor the improvement in the efficiency of the use of the building, to use a system and centralized control of
air conditioning allowing to optimize the consumption energy of the main cause of consumption; the air
conditioning, which can be between 50 and 60% of total.
As for the reduction of energy consumption it is going to implement a home automation control, centralized,
ventilation with heat recovery, 100% led lighting, limitation of control of temperature by the client within a
range of comfort. VRF gas systems and recovery stage for general sanitary hot water through waste heat.
There is a manual of good environmental practices and the corporate sustainability guide good practices
are audited by the Internal Quality Department. For water consumption, flow reducers will be installed
in showers limited to 9 l / min. faucets at 6l / min. Double download of cisterns. Awareness of clients
through reminders in the bathroom and to employees through
The building has been renovated with the Passivhaus
philosophy, that is, the envelope has been treated to be a
building very well isolated, with very low demand energetic
For this, the facades have been treated to eliminate thermal
bridges, has been coated with Sate facades to interior
patios, and the main one has been insulated and covered
with a ventilated façade superimposed. The windows and
enclosures have one of the lowest thermal transmittances
Spain: Silken Palacio Uribarren Lekeitio (Lekeitio)
www.hoteles-silken.comThe existing building was built based on the regulations of the time.
Around 1996 an improvement intervention was made, the current
intervention based its adaptation to the existing regulations, many of
which contribute a value of improvement to the building, both to its
envelope and to its inside.
On the outside, the work is on thermal and acoustic insulation and the
conditioning of its exterior carpentry; and in terms of facilities. As for
the generation of DHW and the heating of the building, it will change
its contribution from the existing diesel to propane gas. Change of
management of electric power, LED lighting, etc.
All the staff of the Silken chain, maintenance and waiters, they are
aware of the responsible use of both the building and the energy
used, electricity, water, etc. So this hotel will maintain the same policy
regarding the efficient sustainability of the building.
On the other hand, active solutions will also be implemented to control
and reduce energy consumption, such as changing the way the hotel is
heated to energy efficient solutions, LED lighting, management systems
with presence detection, timers, change of existing hydraulic elevators
by electric, greatly reducing the overall consumption of the hotel.
Making tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry