Special focus on EMAS and the EU Ecolabel
The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme supports organisations in
‘greening’ their operations. EMAS registered tourism operators decrease
their water and energy consumption, lower their emission into the air and
can better manage their waste and impacts on biodiversity.
EU Ecolabel – the official Type 1 label provides reliable guidance to providers
and consumers on tourism services. The label is based on trustworthy
environmental criteria, revised in January 2017, to better match new
environmental priorities such as Europe’s transition to a circular economy.
It helps businesses to make savings in water and energy consumption,
reduce waste production, improve the CO2 footprint and overall to stand
out amongst other hotels in terms of environmental excellence.
Turkey: the Greening Hotel certificate
TÜROB (Hotel Association of Turkey) launched in 2009 the Greening Hotels Certification. The project
promotes the greening of tourism facilities to make tourism more sustainable and aims to increase the
number of Greening accommodation facilities as a common Project of TÜROB, Sustainability Academy
and Bureau Veritas.
It aims to increase environmental awareness and motivation in the tourism sector, and in particular in
accommodation facilities, as an important path to increase competitiveness. The Greening Hotels project
also aims to increase the number of clients having environmental awareness when travelling.
The Greening hotels certification allows to:
Contribute to sustainable environmental policy by the improvements in
energy and water management, indoor air quality, waste reduction and
Improve the quality of service by reducing the operating costs;
Reduce the environmental impact of the services provided by the hotels
Both raising awareness and creating a trust through certification.
Being one step ahead as a business which achieved a differential and quality
service in the forthcoming period.
Applicants are evaluated through four main area in order to get the Greening Hotels Certification: Energy
Management, Water Management, Improving Indoor Air Quality and Waste Reduction and Recycling.
This 4 main field are evaluated and audited with many different criteria. To be successful, hotels need to
achieve the necessary requirements in the checklist of criteria to be granted the certificate: accommodation
achieving 60 percent are consideredas Bronze, those achieving 75 percent as Silver, and 90 percent as
Gold. The certificate is valid for two years and is renewable with an audit.
Concerning energy management, the criteria includes the measurement of energy consumption, the
identification of energy sources, actions to reduce consumption, requirements for class A of electrical
equipment, etc. Hotels having Greening Hotels Certificate will be the leaders about developing the
sustainability awareness and the energy management in the sector.
There is also a strong emphasis on improving indoor air quality as one of the most important criteria
of the Greening Hotels Certificate. Besides, the certificate also takes into consideration other important
criteria such as waste reduction and recycling, or water management, in order to minimise the hotel
environmental foot print on all major aspects.
For more information:
Making tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry