Germany: the Energiekampagne Gastgewerbe
The Energiekampagne Gastgewerbe was implemented
in 2006 by the German Hotel and Restaurant Association
(DEHOGA Bundesverband), the DEHOGA regional
associations (DEHOGA Landesverbände), German Hotel
Association (IHA) and supported by the Federal Ministry
for the Environment. It offers a comprehensive Internet
information portal on energy saving, tailored to the needs of
the industry, free of charge for registered Users.
The aim is to support the companies in the hotel and catering
industry to reduce their energy costs. Extensive information
is available for free on the website
www.energiekampagne- gastgewerbe.defor registered hotels and restaurants
(e.g. energy saving sheets, checklists).
They inform about worthwhile energy-saving measures in the hotel industry and cover all relevant
operating areas and building techniques. A new tool that depicts the operating areas of a hotel and a
restaurant is the interactive, virtual building
(http://www.virtuelles-hotel-und-restaurant.de/). Here you will
find typical energy consumption points and tips for saving energy.
For more information:
www.virtuelles-hotel-und-restaurant.deFrance: a guide on sustainable development for the sector and a new
environmental tag
Energy efficiency is an important part of many other actions that hospitality
establishments can put in place to reduce their environmental impact. GNI is very
engaged on sustainable development and proposes to its members many tools
and tips to help them. GNI has published a Guide on Sustainable Development. It
contains real measures easy to implement for all kind of hospitality establishments.
Among these, 11 recommendations concern energy savings or efficiency.
The Guide (in French) can be found here:
https://www.synhorcat.com/IMG/pdf/guide_pour_impression.pdfIn the same goal, GNI has actively supported the French Agency for Environment (ADEME) and the Ministry
of Environment which have developed an initiative called “Etiquette environnementale” (Environmental tag).
Hotels are evaluated and given a score through a letter (as for energy efficiency of electronic products),
considering 4 impacts:
on climate
on water consumption
on consumption of resources non-renewable
on biological products and ecolabels
Thanks to the official tag,
the hotel can promote its environmental action.
For more information:
https://www.synhorcat.com/IMG/pdf/communique_de_presse_vf.pdfMaking tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry