ETC, EuroACE, EuroCommerce, the European Tourism Association, METRO AG, NECSTouR,
SMEunited, EU-ASE commit to:
• Inform HOTREC of its activities and products which are relevant to help improve energy efficiency and consequently
reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the hospitality/tourism sector;
• Inform HOTREC of its existing programmes developed where the participation of the hospitality industry would be
• Provide to HOTREC relevant contacts at national level to help develop local partnerships on energy efficiency,
sustainable energy use and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in local businesses.
UNWTO commits
• Provide support to HOTREC to help hospitality businesses improve energy efficiency and use renewable energy;
• Share within its network of affiliate members information on the activities developed by HOTREC, which will help to
reduce the tourism sector’s environmental footprint;
• Inform HOTREC of its activities which would help local tourism businesses to implement cost-effective solutions to
raise energy efficiency and/or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
Christian de Barrin
Zurab Pololikashvili
Secretary General of the World
Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
Adrian Joyce
Secretary General of EuroACE
Veronika Pountcheva
Global Director,
Corporate Responsibility
Senior Vice President METRO Group
Jan Korthoudt
NECSTouR Vice-President
Director tourism Government of
Ms. Véronique Willems
Secretary General of SMEunited
Monica Frassoni
President of the European Alliance
to Save Energy
Christian Verschueren
Director General of EuroCommerce
Eduardo Santander
Executive Director of the European
Travel Commission
Tim Fairhurst
Secretary General of the European
Tourism Association
As a specialized agency of the United Nations, UNWTO’s institutional support is subject to the following: (1) The support does not represent a financial implication or
commitment, in which case a specific agreement between UNWTO and HOTREC shall be signed; (2) It does not imply any exclusivity on the activities covered and both
entities may collaborate on similar activities with other partners; (3) Both entities shall implement their activities in accordance with their respective rules, regulations
and policies; (4) The use of the name, acronym, flag and emblem of UNWTO will need prior written authorization from the Secretariat and agreement to its terms and
conditions (5) The support does not represent a waiver of the privileges and immunities of UNWTO. (6) It shall not be construed as establishing a joint venture, agency,
exclusive arrangement, or other similar relationship implying any joint liability between UNWTO and HOTREC.
Making tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry