In Germany, HOTREC Member DEHOGA actively participates as
a co-founder to the “United Against Waste” initiative (founded by
different associations, businesses and corporations of the food
industry), which aims at reducing food waste levels in society.
Through this initiative, DEHOGA partnered with Unilever to
develop in late 2012 a food-waste-analysis tool and a checklist
to help hospitality businesses reducing the amount of food
Through the “United Against Waste” initiative, DEHOGA also participates to round-table conversations to find
solutions on how to further reduce and prevent food waste.
Furthermore, DEHOGA published in October 2016 a food waste prevention and reduction guideline for
catering businesses, which was developed in cooperation with the German Federal Environment Agency. It
is also actively supporting the “Zu gut für die Tonne” campaign, initiated by the Federal Ministry for Food and
Agriculture, which provides information on how to reduce food waste and holds an awards ceremony each
year to honour a project against food waste. HOTREC German Member IHA also fully supports these initiatives.
For more information on the “United Against Waste” initiative: more information on the “Zu gut für die Tonne” initiative: DEHOGA/Unilever checklist for hospitality businesses is available at the following link: DEHOGA food waste prevention and reduction guideline for catering businesses is available
at the following link: cross-sectoral cooperation in Germany leads to the publication of
guidelines for restaurants and caterers
Spanish restaurants and bars also have their guide to reduce food waste
HOTREC Member FEHR (Federación Española de Hostelería) partnered with
Unilever Food Solutions to develop in 2011 a guide to informSpanish restaurants
about the possibilities of reduce food waste.
The guide, untitled “Abre los ojos ante el desperdicio” (“Open your eyes to waste”)
adopts a practical approach to help restaurants owners and chefs improving the
way they operate their businesses through a set of recommendation and tips
to be used at various stages: ordering of the supplies, storage, preparation, etc.
It also provides the necessary tools for any business to conduct an internal audit
to measure the levels of waste generated and the moments that occur, to adopt
solutions at different stages of the process. It was distributed by FEHR to 85.000
businesses and received an excellent press coverage.
The FEHR and Unilever Food Solutions guide is available at the following link:
European hospitality industry guidelines to reduce food waste and recommendations to manage food donations