HORESTA Denmark is also supporting the campaign “Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark”, a NGO-
industry partnership, which seeks to increase public awareness about food waste by organizing campaigns,
mobilizing the press and media, and encouraging debate.
For more information on the “Partnership on Less Food Waste”:
http://www.mindremadspild.dk/om-hjemmesiden/partnerskabFor more information on “Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark”:
http://www.stopspildafmad.dk/inenglish.htmlPublication of a guide to help French hotels and restaurants reduce food waste
In order to raise restaurants’ awareness, UMIH published in September 2015 a guide
which provides a number of practical tips and recommendations from chefs which
restaurants can implement in practice at every stage of the management of the
business. In October 2016, UMIH decided to update the guide for restaurants and to
complete it with a specific guide for hotels, which also proposes recommendations
to help hotels reduce the levels of food waste produced for the breakfast of the
Both guides were elaborated in partnership with ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement
et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie) and were disseminated electronically to all UMIH’s
Members across France. They both received widespread public coverage, with
around 80 press articles and interviews dedicated to both guides.
UMIH’s guide for restaurants is available at the following link:
UMIH’s guide for hotels is available at the following link:
A pioneer project in France for the secondary use of food waste in
The Synhorcat, supported by ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise
de l’Energie), the Paris City Council and the Ile de France region, mandated Moulinot
Compost & Biogaz to carry out a pilot operation to sort out bio-waste in 80 catering
establishments for 1 year. The objectives were to identify the keys to a successful
sorting of bio-waste and to propose to the restorer an efficient methodology to comply
with the legislation.
In the end, Moulinot Compost & Biogaz demonstrated the effectiveness of its approach by collecting 560
tonnes of food waste (while 200 tonnes were initially expected).
Thanks to its success, since early 2015, it has become a key player in the sorting, collection and recovery of
food waste in Ile de France, with more than 250 collection points.
The report of the pilot operation:
http://www.ademe.fr/operation-pilote-tri-biodechets-80-tablissements-restaurants-parisiensThe website of Moulinot Compost & Biogaz:
www.moulinot.frEuropean hospitality industry guidelines to reduce food waste and recommendations to manage food donations