III. Storing of products
Limit your stocks: check it every day in order to adjust as much as possible your supplies to the expected
needs, and taking into account the period of the year;
When possible, favour smaller packaging and avoid pre-production, as this will give flexibility in case of
fluctuating demand;
Apply the FIFO (First In First Out) and FEFO (First Expired First Out) principles to avoid wastes and
Be careful with sensitive products (e.g. fruits, vegetables, etc.). Avoid damaging packaging, as it
diminishes shelf-life;
Favour under-vacuum storage to extend shelf-life. Develop deep-freezing to better manage stocks.
Cook & Chill techniques also allow to extend shelf-life;
Always strictly respect the cold chain and strictly respect locally applicable hygiene norms and
standards. Strictly respect products’ shelf-life;
Label everything in your cold storage room, to ensure that you know every product/ingredient/dish, as
well as their shelf-life/expiry date. This will reduce losses;
IV. Cooking and kitchen tips
Favour flavours over quantities;
Calculate precisely quantities (indicate weight of ingredients in recipes to be used) and adjust portions
to customers’ demands;
A good mise-en-place is critical: many food losses/waste are the result of an inadequate mise-en-
place. It must be tailored to fit the customers’ needs and avoid losses;
Avoid un-necessary trimmings, so as to ensure that dishes are entirely eaten;
When possible, try to handle/cook the whole gross product to have less losses;
Use different cooking techniques for the same vegetable, in order to include it in different forms in
different dishes. Use leftovers for preparing bouillon, soups, etc.;
Use the right equipment (e.g. some peelers produce lighter peels);
European hospitality industry guidelines to reduce food waste and recommendations to manage food donations