The European hospitality industry, although a small waster compared to the other components of the food
chain, is and has always been committed to reduce its waste. For this reason, many hospitality businesses in
Europe already manage food waste and losses through internal procedures which allow them to reduce waste
quantities. Some hospitality establishments also engage in food donations and/or use their residual food waste
as a source of feed/compost/bio-gas.
With this Framework Agreement, the European hospitality industry aims to promote further the reduction of
food waste and to facilitate hospitality businesses’ engagement in food donation across Europe, for the benefit
of society.
Under this Framework Agreement, HOTREC, the voice of the hospitality industry in Europe, and the European
Federation of Food Banks (FEBA) undertakes to cooperate and exchange best practices on food donation and
food waste reduction in general, with the support of METRO Cash & Carry.
In particular, HOTREC commits to:
Inform its member associations of existing actions developed by the members of FEBA, in order for them to
evaluate the possibility to either join these initiatives or to develop new partnerships at local level;
Bridge its members with the relevant local members of FEBA in countries of particular interest to FEBA.
FEBA commits to:
Inform HOTREC of its activities which are relevant for the hospitality sector;
InformHOTREC of the existing programmes developed by its members at national level where the particiaption
of the hospitality industry would be welcome;
Provide to HOTREC the relevant contacts of its national members willing to partner with national hospitality
associations on specific projects.
METRO AG commits to:
Share best practices and insights of METRO Cash & Carry country organisations where they support its
customers from the hospitality sector to reduce food waste;
Provide to HOTREC the relevant network of its METRO Cash & Carry country organisations working on the
reduction of food waste.
Within this Framework Agreement, HOTREC, FEBA and METRO Cash & Carry jointly undertake to cooperate with
the view to share best-practices on food waste management and food donations through joint actions.
Done in Brussels on 25/10/2016
1. According to the FUSIONS report
“Food waste data set for EU-28”
, households generate 53% of the total food
waste, the processing industry 19%, food services 12%, the primary production sector 11%, and the retail/
wholesale sector 5%. The restaurant industry is a part the the food service sector, which also includes the
catering industry (i.e. public/private canteens, party catering, etc.).
Susanne Kraus-Winkler
Patrick Alix
Secretary General
For METRO AG, Wholesale & Food Specialist Company
Veronika Pountcheva
Global Director Corporate Responsibility
Senior Vice President METRO Group
European hospitality industry guidelines to reduce food waste and recommendations to manage food donations