6. Swimming pool / Spas
Use a pool cover to reduce evaporation in summer and heat loss in
winter. When not in use, installing a thermal cover allows to make
further savings.
Use large water jets on a timer to make them run at regular
intervals instead of continuously.
Hours of operation of water slides should be controlled, in order
not to run all day.
Proper functioning of heaters can be made through regular checks
of the water temperature
7. General maintenance of HAVC, steam pipes, boilers
and calorifiers
For proper functioning of the HAVC equipment, have a regularly
updated manual with operating methods and instructions.
Regular maintenance and servicing of heating and air-conditioning
equipment is fundamental. Particular attention should be paid to
the following:
- Proper activation of control valves.
- Clean monthly filters of ventilation and air-conditioning in guests
room and public areas.
- Clean annually fan coil units, air handling units and cooling units.
- Clear and check cooled air ductings. Seal leaks.
Regular maintenance and servicing of steam pipes (e.g steam
ovens, dryers, washing machines, etc.) helps them maintaining
Check and service your boiler regularly and beware of leakage
of fuel or smoke of CO emissions. Regularly check their pipes
Do not over heat hot water: 55°C-60°C is ideal to kill legionella
bacteria and avoid un-necessary energy consumption.
Check calorifiers regularly.
For further information and advice
This list of tips and recommendations has been elaborated on the basis of publications from the UNWTO
NeZEH initiative, the Hotel Energy Solutions, the European Commission EMAS reference document on
best environmental management practice in the tourismsector and thematerials developed by HOTREC’s
network of 44 national hospitality associations in Europe.
This list is not exhaustive. Hospitality businesses wanting to learn more about how to further reduce
their energy consumption and improve energy efficiency should contact their relevant national hospitality
association for advice (a list of these associations is available at the end of this brochure).Further
advice can also be obtained from energy audit companies or from specialised brochures. An indicative
bibliography is available at the end of this brochure.
Making tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry