Roof insulation
In any building, an important part of the heat is lost through the
roof. Improving roof insulation is therefore an efficient way to
make important and long-term energy savings. Although a costly
investment, improving roof thermal insulation will generate returns
on investments on the medium-term. When combined with external
walls insulation, this measure can result in up to 50% savings on
space heating.
Reducing thermal shocks
In summertime, external temperature and sun exposure may raise
temperature inside the building, therefore raising cooling needs. If this
is the case, such needs can be reduced through the installation of
shading devices for exposed windows. Moreover, solar shading can
also be achieved by planting trees or local plants.
Reducing air infiltration through automated doors
The positive effect of a good building insulation can be partly offset
by the impact of unwanted air infiltration. Besides usual prevention
tips (e.g. replace leaky joints and ensure that weather stripping on
windows and doors are in order), the installation of automated door
will have a beneficial impact.
2. Optimise HVAC systems
A well-functioning and optimised HAVC (heating, ventilating and air-conditioning) system is a critical
aspect to maximise energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption in any hospitality business. All
aspects of the HVAC can be enhanced to reach high efficiency levels. Installing products with top energy
labels will allow to achieve the best results in decreasing energy consumption.
Heating system investment
Install a high efficiency equipment for space heating, water production
and/or space cooling. Older boilers tend to over-consume, while
electric heating is costly and not energy-efficient. Up to 30/35% energy
savings on space heating can be reached through the renovation of
an old (more than 10/15 years) heating system. Low temperature
heating systems (e.g. working with low temperature flows systems)
deliver excellent results in energy savings. Good insulation of boilers
and pipes should be ensured to maximise return on investments and
energy savings.
Cooling system investment
Install a high efficiency (centralised or semi-centralised) cooling
equipment (some equipment can deliver both space heating and
cooling). Older cooling systems over-consume. Installing recent
energy efficient systems can help delivering major energy savings.
Thermal insulation of pipes is necessary and can be done when
installing/renovating the cooling system.
Making tourism more resource efficient: guidance and solutions to raise energy efficiency in the european hospitality industry