Contributing to the
definition of an international
framework for the
protection of tourists
In the wake of the Icelandic volcano ash cloud crisis which hit
Europe in 2010, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation
(UNWTO) received the mandate from its State Parties to work on
the elaboration of an international convention which would define
a global standard for the protection of tourists while clarifying the
rights and obligations of tourism service providers.
HOTREC brings its expertise to the working group
drafting the future UNWTO Convention
In its quality of affiliate member of the UNWTO, HOTREC
joined the UNWTO working group in charge of preparing the
draft UNWTO Convention. In particular, HOTREC brought its
expertise in all matters relating to package holidays and tourism
accommodation services, which are already extensively regulated
in Europe, both at EU and national level. HOTREC’s contribution
was key to develop the annexes of the future convention dealing
with these specific services, while ensuring that the future text will
strike the right balance in the rights and obligations of tourists and
tourism service providers, and provide a fairly high level of tourist
protection. HOTREC’s input was also instrumental in avoiding
inconsistencies between the future Convention and the existing
EU legislative framework.
Working for an international level-playing field
protecting all tourists
HOTREC’s contribution was also crucial to ensure that the rise of
the collaborative economy in tourism accommodation services is
taken into account when elaborating the specific rules of the future
international convention dealing with tourism accommodation
services. Indeed, many national legislation protecting consumers
and/or tourists around the world were conceived at a time
when the collaborative economy either did not exist or was still
at an infant stage. However, it becomes every day clearer that
the market share of tourism accommodation services offered
through collaborative economy platforms become every day more
important. For instance, while there is approximately 13 million
beds available in the classical regulated accommodation industry
(i.e. hotels, apart hotels, gîtes, B&B, pensions, motels, etc.) in
Europe, there is already 20 million beds available on collaborative
economy platforms.
HOTREC is therefore extremely active to ensure that the future
UNWTO Convention fully reflects that changing reality and provide
a level-playing field protecting all tourists, whatever the type of
tourism accommodation they choose.
HOTREC is working to ensure
that the UNWTO Convention
will provide a global level-
playing field protecting all
tourists, whatever the type of
tourism accommodation they