HOTREC workshop on association management,
Tallinn, 28 April 2017. Photographer : Erlend Štaub
Denmark developed a new model of apprenticeship
scheme for the hospitality sector
At the plenary session of the HORECA Sectorial Social Dialogue which
gathered HOTREC, its trade union counter-part EFFAT and the European
Commission on 9thDecember 2016, HOTREC’sDanishmember HORESTA
presented the vocational education and training that is being deployed in
From a total population of 5,7 million inhabitants, 93% of the population
completes a youth education programme. The system is based on the
dual education and training principle: students alternate between school-
based and work-based learning in a company (apprenticeship). The VET
programmes qualifies students for the labour market as skilled workers.
The trainees are paid a wage by employers (1500€/per month on average)
and the State reimburses 90% of the costs of the training. Employers also
receive funding for trainees’s travelling expenses during college periods.
Within the scheme, the State and social partners share responsibilities
on the development and provision of the programmes, legal framework
and governance. Overall, the Danish VET model provides opportunities to
move on to higher education and improves the quality of education and
teaching. HOTREC shared this best practice with all its Members as it
considers the example to be a source of inspiration for the entire HOTREC
Making trade associations better shaped for the future
On 28 April 2017, HOTREC organised a workshop for its Members
on association management. The aim of this workshop was to allow
Presidents, Chief Executives and Senior Executives of the various
HOTREC Members across Europe to share their respective best-practices
on association management and therefore improve the efficiency of their
own organisations.
On that occasion, the participants were given the opportunity to learn
more about the membership structure, staffing and budget of the various
HOTREC Members. Moreover, Mr. Marek Harbuľák, Secretary General of
the Slovak Association of Hotels and Restaurants gave the participants a
detail insight of his own experience of restructuring his own organisation
and how he successfully achieved a meaningful budget consolidation.
Furthermore, Mr. Adrian Cummins, CEO of Restaurant Association of
Ireland presented his experience about how to expand the membership
basis. The participants also had the opportunity to broaden their
perspective with the insight of a European Trade Association, thanks to
the presentation made by Mr. Pierre Olivier Bergeron, Secretary General of
the Brewers of Europe.