0818 -HOTRECbrochureEnergyBAT.indd 1
07/12/2018 15:09
TheOnePlanetNetwork is the network of the 10Year Framework of Programmes
on SustainableConsumption and Production.
Towards sustainable tourism: HOTREC promotes
energy efficiency in the hospitality and tourism
Tourism accounts for about 5% of global CO2 emissions, hotels being responsible for 20% of that share. In
the context of an ever expanding world tourism market, the hospitality sector faces a strong challenge, as the
international Paris climate agreement objectives means that future growth in tourism cannot be met any longer
by a growth in carbon emissions. HOTREC therefore decided to help the 2 million hospitality enterprises in
Europe to raise their energy efficiency and lower their carbon emission levels and energy costs.
A new cross-sectoral charter initiated by HOTREC to promote the use of sustainable
energy in hospitality businesses
To boost the industry’s sustainability, HOTREC has brought together 9 leading European and international
organisations to help to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and therefore contribute to fulfill the International
Paris Climate agreement’s objectives.
The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), the European Travel Commission (ETC), the European Alliance
of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE), the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE),
EuroCommerce, the European Tourism Association, METRO AG, NECSTouR and SMEunited signed together
with HOTREC a charter to share information, exchange best-practices, promote energy-efficient solutions and
facilitate the establishments of partnerships to improve energy efficiency in hospitality and tourism.
HOTREC developed guidance to help businesses to decrease their energy footprint
HOTREC also published a new brochure on energy efficiency in the hospitality sector. The brochure presents
the key aspects of a good energy management policy, offers guidance to generate energy savings though
a set of simple tips that any hospitality business can implement, and identifies long-term energy saving solutions
based on investments in sustainability. The brochure also presents a selection of best-practice initiatives across
Europe and examples of energy efficient hotels and restaurants, all showing that the European hospitality sector
is already accompanying this major shift towards sustainability.
These guidance, if implemented, shall result in important cost-savings, as energy accounts for 5% to 10% of total
costs in the hotel industry. Their implementation will also help to reduce hospitality businesses carbon footprint.
It is a concrete step to build a sustainable hospitality sector that reconciles both environmental and economic
sustainability and offers tourists a responsible and sustainable experience.
HOTREC developed guidance and
a multi-stakeholder cooperation
to help the European hospitality
and tourism sector to raise its
energy efficiency and lower its
CO2 emissions